


J M Richard

I was tested with HSV-2 antibodies years ago; however, I have mild symptoms and outbreaks of HSV-2. A single bump would form on my skin when my immune system weakens. After taking IPF, the tingling symptoms and the node on my skin disappeared.

多年前,我被检测出 HSV-2 抗体;然而,我的 HSV-2 症状和爆发非常轻微。使用 IPF 后,刺痛症状和皮肤上的结节消失了。

Rayski X

This is my first actual review in my history with Amazon; not because products I've ordered weren’t great, but because nothing ever blew me away as IPF did. Its impact on my wellness is extraordinary.

这是我在亚马逊的第一个真正评论;并不是因为我订购的产品不好,而是因为没有什么产品像 IPF 那样让我惊艳。它对我的健康影响非同凡响。